the results of the iafor vladimir devidé haiku award 2017 were announced by professor myles chilton of nihon university, japan, at the asian conference on literature 2017 in kobe, japan, on march 31, 2017 sapkota`s haiku about fresh snow was among the commended list

ukiah haiku competition award
results of the seventh annual ukiah haiku competition were announced and sapkota`s haiku won all topics first place in the adult category

few words rule at haiku festival
the press democrat highlights the ukiah haiku festival. the winner of the general adult category was janak sapkota of kathmandu, nepal.

young haiku master
janak sapkota has won a cash prize of euro 2,500 at the smurfit samhain international poetry competition, ireland. the two other winners are from macedonia and the us.
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