brief review of whisper of pines: cogar na ngiĂșiseanna

recent haiku collection of janak sapkota whisper of pines: cogar na ngiĂșiseanna was briefly reviewed in frogpond– the journal of haiku society of america volume 35:3 autumn 2012 by Michele Root-Bernstein

“janak Sapkota, born and raised in nepal and currently studying
science and writing haiku in europe, may be relatively unknown
to an american audience, but not for long. he writes in english, rarely reworking his haiku but keeping himself “alert for
haiku snapshots which i simply transform into words” (p. 71).
the result, as this collection (a continuation of a previous book,
full moon) attests, is a fluid, natural, consistently excellent
showcase of talent. according to susumu takiguchi, chairman
of the world haiku club and editor of world haiku review,
sapkota’s “distinct sensibility has added to haiku spirit something new the like of which cannot be found among most of
american-led haiku” (p. 65). that is for readers to discern.
certainly, sapkota speaks from a particular, non-western experience, yet in a voice that many western devotees of the haiku
arts will recognize and appreciate:

long days of rain— / thegurgle of frogs ripens / the little rice field

on a windy night / the candle in the room / tries to be still

reading a poem out aloud / I pause in the field— / grasshoppers take up the words. “

link to the original review.

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