in the inaugural edition of the pan haiku review, edited by alan summers, two single line haiku by…

haiku with japanese translation featured in the world haiku series 2019
the world haiku series 2019 is featuring haiku by different haiku poets around the globe, each week 5 haiku poets are featured in the website with their haiku translated in japanese by hidenori hiruta. hidenori hiruta is a founder & secretary general at akita international haiku network .

interview for national radio
janak sapkota was interviewed for the program madhuban of national radio radio nepal. madhuban is a literary radio program by nepal most popular radio host and writer dr nabaraj lamsal.

live interview in ap1 national television
haiku poet janak sapkota was invited in ap1 national television for a live interview. during the interview for the ap1 talk time program, he discussed about his haiku journey and nepali literature in international context.

हराएका हिरा २: हाइकुमा अन्तराष्ट्रिय छवी बनाएका युवा जनक सापकोटा
an article recently posted in blog by ram kumar shrestha that highlights janak sapkota as a lost diamond for nepal as he has been overshadowed by national media while he outshines international profile as a haiku poet

haiku commended in iafor vladimir devidé haiku award
the results of the iafor vladimir devidé haiku award 2017 were announced by professor myles chilton of nihon university, japan, at the asian conference on literature 2017 in kobe, japan, on march 31, 2017 sapkota`s haiku about fresh snow was among the commended list

haiku listed in living haiku anthology
the living haiku anthology aims to provide a repository of published haiku for inclusion in the dynamic and open-ended anthology.

haiku in anthology
a haiku by sapkota was included in the anthology poems for the hazara: a multilingual poetry anthology and collaborative poem by 125 poets from 68 countries

haiku translated in hindi
sapkota`s haiku were published in haiku sansaar- a new online bilingual journal. hindi translated were done by dr angeela deodhar

haiku in chrysanthemum magazine with german translation
haiku by janak sapkota published in chrysanthemum magazine with german language translation