झरीका लामा दिन / भ्यागुताको टर्रटर्रले पकाउछ / सानो खेत

haiku billboard in dublin during the imram festival
a billboard in dublin was seen during the imram festival with a haiku in irish. imram festival is…

brief review of whisper of pines: cogar na ngiúiseanna
recent haiku collection of janak sapkota whisper of pines: cogar na ngiúiseanna was briefly reviewed in frogpond- the journal of haiku society of america volume 35:3 autumn 2012 by Michele Root-Bernstein

personality: janak sapkota – poet internationally recognized but shadowed in the motherland
a young nepalese contemplative poet with a prodigious talent for writing haiku, is a visionary mediator between the self and the spirit. in his haiku of radiant light and rare insights he marvels at the mystery. he is attentive both to the world and to the word. he is truly alive to the awe, to the awesomeness of the creation

विदेशमा चम्कदै नेपाली ठिटो
a featured article about janak sapkota was published in kantipur a national daily newspaper of nepal

haiku in notes from the gean
a haiku by janak sapkota was published in notes from the gean

haiku in notes from the gean magazine
a haiku by janak sapkota was published in notes from the gean magazine.

haiku in waters of spring kukai of sketchbook
on the kukai themed water of spring of sketchbook- a journal of eastern and western short forms, sapkota`s haiku was voted for 8th place.

haiku with swedish translations
bengt berg, a swedish poet, translated some of sapkota`s haiku in swedish. translated haiku were then published in his personal blog.

haiku in old calendar kukai of sketchbook
on the kukai themed old calendar of sketchbook- a journal of eastern and western short forms, sapkota`s haiku was voted for 8th place.

book review: a firefly lights the page
review of the book a firefly light the page in world haiku review the magazine of the world haiku club